Acquisition and TUPE
Protection of employment rights during a transfer – known as TUPE – can be a minefield. Yet integrating the acquired workforce into your existing set up can be even more difficult!
Get it wrong and it can make your acquisition completely unprofitable. Get it right and your business will go from strength to strength. We will guide you through the pitfalls.
Top Tip: if your are planning an Acquisition make sure your Employer Branding and Glassdoor does you justice. It’s the first thing your newly acquired team will look at.
Pay Attention to Cultural Integration
A lot of Acquisitions fail because not enough attention is paid to cultural integration.
We have developed an effective model for gaining a better amalgamation of employees into your business without losing the strengths that you acquired the business for.
The Change Directors can support your cultural integration using proven methods.
Read this article about how we helped one business – Good news for employers who want to harmonise terms and conditions of employment.
To find out more about how we can help you with TUPE and Acquisition contact Ruth directly by email on or ring on 07976 509 551.

About The Change Directors
Ruth Gawthorpe is the founder of The Change Directors. She is an expert in HR, Organisational Development and Change Management. She has cross sector experience and helps organisations to increase business performance and grow. Ruth is passionate about using her wisdom, lessons learned and skills to support executive teams to get great results quickly and smoothly.