Culture Change
We understand how cultures evolve, how it impacts success and more importantly how your culture can be developed to ensure business success and growth. We scrutinise your culture so we know just what is needed to gain the hearts and minds of your employees and enable them to power business performance.
Cultural change is critical to making a new strategy work, yet embedded culture can be really difficult to change. Our proven methods will help you build a high performance culture with smarter productivity and customer experience.
Culture Powers Strategy
Culture is important when you are implementing a new strategy. Using proven methods, we’ll review your current culture and look at what should be implemented to power the new strategy and high performance.
We also have a lot of global experience of cross cultural working. We’ll quickly help you understand the impact that history and employment law has made on the way that nations think and work.
Our offshoring expertise means we understand global cultures. If you are thinking of moving business overseas then pick up the phone and speak to us first on 07976509551.

About The Change Directors
Ruth Gawthorpe is the founder of The Change Directors. She is an expert in HR, Organisational Development and Change Management. The Change Directors have cross sector experience and help organisations to increase business performance and grow. Ruth is passionate about using her proven methods, lessons learned and skills to support executive teams to get great results at pace.