About Us
Guiding you through the complexities of change and transformation
Smart change is our passion
Is your team ‘change ready”?
These are uncertain and complex times. The business landscape is shifting and industries are being disrupted. Your business, your workforce and technology must continuously evolve to maintain a competitive edge.
Using our proven methods and our smart approach to transformation our business experts help you find more effective ways of operating, that can be delivered at pace, harnessing the power of your people. We’ll help you to win their hearts and minds so that the transformation is thoroughly embedded. Watch our latest video. Strategy first – structure last – to your right.
IBM report that 87 % of businesses don’t focus enough on change management in technical projects.
Planning change
When planning change, we know you will want a fresh pair of eyes to support you; someone who brings new thinking and skills, a firm focus on the change required. We’ll ask the questions that cut through the issues and politics like a butter knife.
We work closely with your team
We are no run of the mill consultancy. We roll up our sleeves and work closely with your team, offering support, smart thinking and expert advice. Our aim is to transfer our knowledge to your team so that they develop and embed new skills which can be used once we leave.
Be smart about Culture!
If you don’t drive your culture it will drive itself leaving you and your Leadership Team in the passenger seat.
We scrutinise your culture so that we know just what’s required to win hearts and minds while driving through complex business change.
Whether change is driven by technology, service improvement or growth into new markets, then we are here to support you.
The Change Directors we are here to support your Leadership Team with the latest advice about smart ways of operating.
We’ll help you to align people and performance strategies, policies and procedures with your change management plans.
We’ve more than likely faced the same situation before in a slightly different context and learned how to deal with it.
We transfer the knowledge to your people
Our speed, good value and simplicity has won us a lot of new business and led to long term relationships with our clients. We will quickly make a difference to your business.
Our aim is always to find the most effective way to solve problems, improve performance and gain growth.
We are a consultancy with a difference because we roll up our sleeves and work with your team so that when the project is complete we have also transferred knowledge to your people.
The Change Directors provide objective assessment and intuitive solutions to your business problems. Contact us directly by email on rg@thechangedirectors.co.uk or ring on 07976 509 551

About The Change Directors
Ruth Gawthorpe is the founder of The Change Directors. She is an expert in Organisational Development, People and Change Management. She has cross sector experience in anticipating business trends and opportunities. Ruth is quietly disrupting the Change Management Industry, offering a unique perspective on Business Transformation.
This is no run of the mill consultancy!