Business Transformation
For Smarter Ways of Operating
Implement change and embed improvement
You’re unique and so are we. We deliver business solutions that harness the power of your people.
Your business DNA is inimitable – our proven solutions reflect that. We know how to help you seize opportunities that give you a competitive edge and remove obstacles in the way of high performance.
Our passion for transforming organisations is legendary but we recognise the impact change will have on your workforce so we deploy proven methods to win their hearts and minds so that your change plans get great results.
Our proven methods will help you implement change and embed improvement
Is your HR Team ready for Change?
Ask about our Brave HR programme designed to get your team change ready!

About The Change Directors
Ruth Gawthorpe is the founder of The Change Directors. An expert in HR and OD, she has cross sector experience and knows just what it takes to win the hearts and minds of the workforce to ensure change succeeds. Ruth and her panel of experts are passionate about using proven methods, lessons learned and a broad range of business skills to support executive teams to get great results quickly and smoothly.